About KARC
The Kauai Amateur Radio Club is a non-profit organization with the goal of promoting Ham radio
and public service communications. Toward those goals, FCC Amateur Radio exams are given often. Check the Events page for more information.
KARC maintains the KH6E repeater system. See the Repeater page for
details on these repeaters, and more. The Home page shows the location
of the repeater sites.
The club participates in Ham radio events such as field days, demonstrations, SET (Simulated Emergency Test) events and training. The monthly meetings are also listed on the
Events page. All are welcome.
Newly elected KARC officers for terms beginning January 1, 2025:
* President: Steve Johnston WD8DAS
* Vice President: position open
* Secretary: Bill DeLorenzo W2DK
* Treasurer: Dick Olsen KH6DO
* Activities Director: Tad Miura NH7YS
Working contacts in the comm trailer, we have Dick WH6DO, Peter KH6VP and Steve WH6ST at the 2020 Winter Field Day. A great time was had by all. Hey, don't get any of that fried chicken on the radios! :)
Article on KARC and Ham radio in the paper
Below left: after dinner at the 2019 Christmas party, and below right: a photo of the Mayoral presentation to KARC in 2011.