+ A Hamfest was held on January 11, 2025
A Hamfest is a radio-electronic-hobby swap meet. This is a gathering for radio/electronic hobbyists to see old friends, buy and sell gear and parts, meet in person folks you've only talked to on the air, and of course make new friends. A great get-together - fun for all who came.
+ POTA-Parks on the Air event was held on Saturday, January 18, 2025
+ In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and with Milton following, HAMS are coming in to support Emergency Communications. Check out this article by WIRED.
+ HealthComm radio volunteers needed for Samuel Maheloha Memorial Hospital, Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital and Wilcox Medical Center -
Here is an opportunity to serve your community at one of these hospitals. HealthComm is a volunteer radio operation from the Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management organization. The group provides HF (High Frequency) radio communications support for medical facilities across the state, and conducts a net on the first Saturday of each month.
+ WINLINK EXERCISES - organized by Van NH7IT with interesting new features introduced, like sending a text message without the internet. If you have Winlink set up and are interested, e-mail NH7IT to be added to the mailing list.
+ Winlink Wednesday - Jim, NH6HI, passed along information about the Winlink Wednesday activity that he received from Ken Van Wyk, K0RVW, that you can participate in. Info here: https://winlinkwednesday.net/reminder.html
+ EXAMS for FCC licences and upgrades. Jim NH6HI is the one to get in touch with, if you are interested.

KARC is affiliated with GLAARG Volunteer Examiners.

+ NETS on Monday evenings at 8pm and Thursday evenings at 7pm. All licensed hams may participate, no club membership required.
The KARC repeaters and the Allstar system are now able to be joined together, thanks to the efforts of Jim NH6HI and Jesse WH6AV.
+ Saturday Morning HAM BREAKFAST, informally held weekly, 8:30am, usually at Mariachi's Restaurant in Harbor Mall, Lihue. There may be conversation and details on the KARC repeater system before folks arrive.
+ MONTHLY MEETINGS are held on the first Monday evening of the month(unless that day is a holiday, in which case the meeting will be held on the next Monday), formerly at the KIUC conference room in Lihue. The pandemic has forced KIUC to close the conference room, and we have been meeting on Zoom instead of in-person. On these days, the usual Monday Evening Net is not held. The next meeting will he held on April 7, 2025 at 6:00 pm.
The pictures are from our 2024 Field Day held at the Anahola Marketplace, the 2025 Hamfest at Nukolii Beach Park and the POTA
event held at Wailua Marina.